Tara's Council Updates


Evening friends,

I was just finishing the summary and my computer crashed and I lost....  so much.  Calm, calm.  As a result, the August council update will be quick.  During the summer, council only meets once a month, but we pack a lot into those meetings!

View the August Agenda here

Overview:  Public hearing and approval on Sunset Ridge Stage 2 Land Use Amendments, defeat of moving council meetings to daytime, first readings (which means public hearings and then the debate) on; allowing street orientated townhomes, Land Use Bylaw updates, and allowing for church use on a River Heights Commercial area parcel.  Then endorsing Calgary Sewer Infrastructure capacity costing, census update (just under 19K), flood damage update (lots), Q2 financial update (good), and the decision to move the assessment services in-house.

1.  Bylaw 12/2013 - Sunset Ridge Stage 2 Land Use Amendment   - We started with the public hearing on this, but no public comments.  Not a surprise.  The bylaw is the technical step we have to go through to move the lands from Urban Reserve to developable lots.  As this fits into our plans for the area, it passed 6-0  (Councillor Watson is away)

2.  Bylaw 15/2013 - Amendment to Procedural Bylaw - This was intended to move the next council's meetings to daytime meetings.  From 6PM to 1PM.  I opposed this.  It's a 6 year old battle for me.  I firmly believe that daytime meetings make it more difficult for the public to attend council.  Councillors Toews and Brooker also voted against it.  Part of the reasoning was that evening meetings also made it easier for councilors or council candidates to balance out council work with their full time work.  As it was a 3/3 tie, it was defeated.  The council of the day can change this if they so choose.  There is an argument that daytime meetings best work for adminsitration.

3.  Bylaw 16/2013  - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw to Add Street Orientated Townhomes -   This was accepted for first reading and public hearing set.  What this will do will allow townhomes to face into the street instead of being the inward facing creations we have around town.  I'm in favour of this as it better integrates different type of housing and will make for a more attractive streetscape. Passed 6-0

4. Bylaw 17/2013 - Land Use Bylaw - Omnibus Amendments -    Our Land Use Bylaw lays out the details in how everything from businesses to large developments happen.  The devil is in the details.  This large grouping of amendments is meant to bring the Land Use bylaw into alignment with our big picture plans for Cochrane.  Accepted for first reading and public hearing set.   Passed 6-0

3.  Bylaw 18/2013 - River Heights Commercial Area Land Use Amendment -  This amendment would allow for a church to be developed on one of the commercial parcels.  (Near Toyota)  This was accepted for first reading and public hearing set.  Passed 6-0

4.  Growth Charges for Calgary Sewer Infrastructure Capacity Upgrade Costs - Council endorsed this and charges will be collected for Jan 1, 2013.  While we intake our own water and treat it, we ship our sewer via pipeline to Calgary for treatment and pay the service fee.  Following the principle that growth pays for growth, the City of Calgary is charging a growth charge to the communities whose sewer they treat.  (Airdire, Cochrane, Chestermere, etc).  This fee will not affect existing residences but as new developments come online, the developers will have to pay this.  I'm sure the cost will be added to new home costs.  Passed 6-0

5.  Census Summary - We're now at 18,750 Cochranites + those who moved here since the census was done.  Some interesting stats that you can review.  ie: 3,546 residents are employed in Cochrane and 5,37 outside of Cochrane.  Accepted 6-0

6.  Flood 2013 Update - While Cochrane got off lucky we still had extensive damange to our pathway system.  Our staff worked with the AB gov't and identified 13 areas of damage in town.  Rough and current numbers to repair is over $1 million dollars.  Each of the sites will be evaluated and the best move forward will be determined from there.  It's a good read on the agenda.  The Flood has also impacted our plans for the RiverFront Park.  We'd received the public input and made amendments and now are amending it again, taking into the account of the floods.  Some work should be started this year.  Accepted 6-0

7.  2013 Quarter 2 Report - Cochrane is doing well.  Operationally we're trending towards a surplus and the 2013 Capital projects are either within or under budget.   Accepted 6-0

8.  Assessment Services - Cochrane has close to 10,000 parcels that have to be assessed and we've outsourced to Airdrie for years.  We've reached a point where financially and to my mind, for a customer services point of view, we'll bring the assessment work in house.  Council passed this 6-0 and this will have to be built into the 2014 budget.

And that was a wrap ...

The municipal election is fast approaching and I urge anyone interested in running for council, to do so, it's a great way to serve Cochrane.  Information is available on the town website at http://www.cochrane.ca/municipal/toc/webcms.nsf/AllDoc/969AB63C3CD98A1F8725794F007A791C?OpenDocument


And under my other hat at Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation, I have some good news to share as well.
  • Run at the Ranch:  August 25 - This includes a kids run, 5K, 10k and 1/2 Marathon.  It's a great way to enjoy the park, challenge yourself and support a great cause.  Info at www.grpf.ca/run
  • Ride for the Ranch: September 14 -  This is a fundraising trail ride on the Park.  A rare opportunity to get out on the landscape on your own horse.  We have a limit of 25 riders but extra dinner tickets are available.  If you're interested in the Ride and supporting the Park you can find the information at www.grpf.ca/ride

I hope everyone is having a great summer!

As always, give me a call if you have any questions.


July , 2013

Hi friends -

When I get questions e-mailed, I try to respond as quickly as I can.  I did have a gentleman send me a question/comment on the need for 2 access points into communities and I haven't been able to find his e-mail since to respond, so I'll do it here, and apologize for loosing the e-mail!   For all our communities there either are or will be at least 2 access points.  Some are still being built out, such as Heritage Hills, but once built out will have 2 access points.  That may be a main road and an emergency service exit but when our planners are laying out the communities this is something that is addressed.

I've also received a few questions regarding traffic at the 5th Ave intersection.  The traffic studies that have been done say that the intersection can handle the traffic, including the new residence from the condos.  Once the traffic increases beyond that point, the Town has room to add a turning lane.  The truth is, we're getting close to 20 thousand residents and with that comes traffic increases.

Please send on more questions.

Onto the Council update!

View the Agenda here

Overview:  Denial of a tax penalty cancellation request, funding approved for the CSHO building, approval of the Sunset Ridge Neighborhood Plan and first reading on a change of land use, update on the Strategic Plan, presentation of a draft wetland policy and an update on the Aquatic Centre and Curling Club projects.

1.  Property Tax Penalty Cancellation Request   - A landowner asked Council to cancel the penalties he received for not paying his taxes on time.  This was denied.

2.  CSHO Funding Request - The Cochrane Society for Housing Options appeared before council to ask for funding.  This non-profit group initiated and manages the Homestead which provides attainable rental apartments in Cochrane for 30-40 people. Cochrane has a growing need for more rental housing and the Homestead is a key part of the affordable housing puzzle for Cochrane.  The siding on the building is failing and needs to be replaced and while the organization does an excellent job of managing, the costs to replace this exceeds their ability.  The cost on the project is estimated at 144K and they requested 56K in funding to assist.   Council approved this funding from the Affordable Housing Reserve. (roughly 50K is left)

3.  Bylaw 12/2013  - Sunset Ridge Stage 2 Land Use Bylaw Amendment -   Council gave first reading to this Bylaw and a public hearing was set for August 13th.  This bylaw will just break out the lands from urban reserve to different land uses (residential, municipal reserve, environmental reserve) so that the development can move to the next step.  This break out will reflect the Neighborhood Plan that council approved.

4. Bylaw 13/2013 (Land Use Re designation in the Willows of River Heights Phase 2) -    This turned into an interesting discussion.  This approves the breakout of the land uses for the neighborhood plan but what was mostly discussed was 25 lots along River Heights drive.  These lots won't have front side vehicle access nor parking along River Heights drive but only back lane vehicle access.  There was some concern that their wouldn't be enough visitor parking in the area and that these residents might not have enough parking on the street.  I don't see this as an issue.  Not allowing parking on River Heights drive is going to allow for a bike lane.  I have a great deal of support for bike lanes and pathways that provide safe way for people to get around.  From my perspective, the residents that buy these properties are doing so aware that their parking is in the back, so it shouldn't be a problem.  And I don't actually believe that being able to park multiple personal vehicles on town streets is something that is necessary.  Residents should be able to keep all their property on their own property.  It was a good discussion and this passed 6-1 with Councilor Toews opposed.

3.  Stage Two Sunset Ridge Neighborhood Plan  -  This was before Council after being sent back for revisions last month.  Concerns initially were around the wetlands, the commercial centre and the need for a dog park in the area.  This time, one of the wetlands will be retained and supported by the north storm pond.  The developers market analysis determined that keeping a 2nd commercial node to the far north was the best solution.  As for another off leash park, there was nothing defined, but administration and the developer is looking at options in either this phase or the final phase.  Overall this is a good development, has good pathway and road connections, a variety of housing, a school and green space.  So while not completely happy, I voted for it.  This passed 6-1.

4.  2013 Quarter Strategic Plan Update - Our CAO, Julian de Cocq, provided an overview on what the town is accomplishing this year.  There's a lot going on.  I am concerned and expressed it, that the reduction in our communication staff is going to make it difficult to meet our public engagement work.  Staff is confident they can.  For the updates, a quick review of the agenda will work.

5.  Draft Wetland Conservation Policy - This policy was presented to council and was drafted with the help of the Environmental Committee, CEAC and the Developer Liaison Group.  It will go back out for public consultation before coming back to council.

6.  Aquatic Centre & Curling Club Update   -As we move forward with these projects more details emerge.  Staff acquired some costing quotes and the Aquatic Centre still ranges in the 30 - 31 Million range.  The curling club has climbed though to 12 - 15 Million dollar range although the curling club research of other clubs have been in the 6.5 - 8.5 Million dollars.  We're also getting to the point where we make a decision on how to build, the design build, traditional build or construction management.  Since we've reached this point and there are big questions that need to be researched and determined the next step is to hire a Project Manager.  Council gave this direction.

And that wraps up July 8th!

As always, if you have questions, please contact me.


June 27 , 2013
Hi friends -

Well we're back to regular council updates.  And I'll keep this one brief!

View the Agenda

Overview:  Appointments made to Cochrane Environmental Committee and Cochrane Library Board, Adoption of the Green Building Strategy, Off-site Leviews Update, and the big one - the settlement with the Cochrane Fire Fighters Association.

1.  Appointments - Council appointed 2 members to the Cochrane Environmental Committee.  Council also appointed a new member to the Cochrane Library Board.  This board sometimes has difficulty attraction membership, so by request we changed the Terms of Reference to allow for 2 Rocky View County residents instead of 1.  Additionally, we created positions for 2 non-voting youth members to the board.  This all passed 7-0.

2.  Green Building Strategy - Council adopted a Green Building Strategy for industrial, commercial and institutional buildings (gov't buildings, etc).  Buildings are a major source of Cochrane's emissions.  (nearly tied with transporation at 29 and 31 percent)   The goal of the policy is to ensue that these type of developments use green building techniques with the idea of saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  This was developed in close dialogue with builders and developers and has created a number of categories ranging from managing storm water effectively, to reducing light pollution and saving water.  There was some dialogue here, mostly around whether this was asking too much or too little.  For my part, it's a good start and I look forward to the review in a year.  The big benefit is that it gives developers and builders a clear idea of what we mean by building green - so they have to deliver to our expectations.   Passed 7-0

3.  Offsite Levies Update - Council gets this update yearly.  Cochrane requires that developers contribute to the infrastructure costs that their developments add to Cochrane. This includes key items like sewer and water, road and parks.  All of the projects that the levies are collecting for are identified and through complicated math developers pay their share.  Currently, developers are contributing $48.8 million towards infrastructure we need to deal with the growth that is happening in Cochrane.  Developers also voluntarily contribute to community projects.  To date, we've collected $3.5 million with $1.2 of that going to the Spray Lakes Rec Centre expansion in 2009 and the remaining $2.3 being pegged towards the new aquatic facility and Open Space projects.  - Accepted 7-0

4.  And the big news - Ratification of Negotiated Settlement with Cochrane Fire Fighters Association.  Translated, after 2 years of negotiations the Town has reached an agreement with our local Fire Fighters.  As you know, the entire tax increase this year went to supporting the increase in Fire costs.  I was worried that the tax increase for fire was going to dramatically go beyond what we could afford, but this agreement finds the middle ground and allows us to move onto the next page.  View the Press Release -

And that's a wrap!

Hope to see many of you at Canada Day Celebrations!  Tickets @ 403-851-2534


June 10 , 2013

Tara’s June 10 Council Update

I wanted to make a quick correction to my last update.  Spray Lakes request for funding was not approved in the last meeting but was deferred to the 2014 budget.  My error.

As for this update:

This has been one of the busier council weeks but I’ll keep this update as concise as I can.

Last week was a busy week on the council appearance front.  Cochrane celebrated Seniors weeks so I joined Councillors Churchill and Watson at Big Hill Lodge to celebrate.  As a councilor you should be ready for all events but I wasn’t 100% prepared to participate in the sexy legs contest.  I didn’t win, but neither did the fire fighters.

Councillors Churchill and Watson also joined me at the sampling of the Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation Ice Cream at Mackay’s.  Sometimes it’s a tough job.

We also had the official ground breaking for the Frank Wills Scout Hall.  Hats off to Maureen Wills, an amazing community leader who is making this happen.

Councillors Churchill and Watson and I also participated in the Seniors Tea, a great Cochrane tradition.  The Highland dancers were an amazing treat to watch.

Then on Friday I toured up with Calgary Regional Partnership for a municipal tour of Fort McMurray- Wood Buffalo and the oil sands.  It’s hard to comprehend the scope of the oil sands even after seeing it and Ft. McMurray is a world onto itself.  It was eye opening to see the growth pressures that Ft. McMurray is dealing with and how they are managing it.

And then council today, with a strategic planning session on new land use zones, a public hearing, council meeting and then an in-camera session.

 It’s been a busy week!

June 10 -  Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.

Summary: CEAC presentation, adoption of the new Water Utility Bylaw and the update on the Aquatic Centre and Curling Club.

1.    The Cochrane Environmental Action Committee (CEAC) presented to Council on the importance of retaining wetlands on urban environment and thanked the town for Cochrane’s support of Branches and Banks. This is always an amazing group committed to acting for Cochrane’s environmental needs.  Beyond the annual Branches and Banks tree planting they also operate Cochrane’s Farmers market.  Visit their website at www.cochrane-environment.org

2.    Council adopted the new Water Utility Bylaw.  I went over this in the last update but the bylaw ensures that we use our water more wisely.  Some changes include;

a.       Creating 2 classes for bulk water sales and limiting the available amount to 3% of Cochrane’s Water Allotment
b.      Bulk water sales will be tracked and verified
c.       Bulk water sales rate increased

3.    Council accepted the most recent design for the Aquatic Centre and Curling Club for information.  This new design includes a new entry way for Spray Lakes, a 6 sheet curling rink, greater lease space, 8 lane lap pool, leisure pool, therapy pool, water slides and outdoor spray park.  It’s an amazing design that meets the desires of Cochrane.

Price Tag
·         Price Tag of $31.5 Million for the Pool
·         Price Tag of $12.5 Million for the Curling Club
·         + related costs = Total Cost of $54.3 Million

It’s a lot of money and Cochrane’s 10 Year Financial Plan has laid out how this can be achieved in an affordable manner.

Council has directed staff to get a second costing on the project (we believe that the Curling Club initial quote was too high) and look at delivery models, including design build and report back to council for July 8th.

Big picture – we’re taking the next steps toward the new pool and curling rink and are on track for 2015 construction.

The full proposed design and info can be seen on the agenda and is well worth the review.

And since I shared that I was away on a Competitive Trail Ride two weeks ago, I thought I'd share the results.  My horse was clearly in better winter condition than I am and carried us to first in our division.  It was a great weekend.

Catch you next time!

And please share these updates.


Councillor Tara McFadden

May 27, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 

Hi friends,

May has been a busy month for me, under one hat or another, but I'm so glad summer is finally upon us!   Community Awards were on Sunday and sadly I had to miss the event, but hats off to all the nominees and winners.

May 27 -  Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.

Quick summary:  A few proclamations, first reading of land use re-designation for River Heights, fundraising update on the pool, community grant designs, surplus adjustments and acceptance of our 10 Year strategy and announcement of council's priorities for 2014.

1. Proclamations

Council proclaimed June 1 to be Intergenerational Day in Cochrane and Seniors Week to be June 3 - 9.   In honour of Seniors week there are a number of activities going on in Cochrane including; Grand Ave's Pancake Breakfast on June 3, a cooking class with Thai Onzon on Tuesday and the Seniors Tea on Wed Jun 5 and wrapping up a pub night on June 7th.

These all passed 6-0 (Councillor Brooker was away)

2.  Bylaw 13/2013 - Redesignation of Land Use in the Willows of River Heights

The developer has applied to change land use from urban reserve to varies type of land use that would allow for a mix of housing in the area, including single housing, semi-detached and town homes.  A small piece is assigned as municipal reserve that will be added to the school site.  All of this falls within the approved development plans for the area and is the 2nd phase for the Willows of River HIghts.   This development is being designed to have an attractive streetscape and to be pedestrian friendly, key elements of the type of development we're striving for.

Public hearing is set for June 10 for public feedback and the information on this can be found in the agenda.

3.  Council 2014 Priorities

We created this system a few years ago as a way for Council to give clear direction to administration as to what Council priorities are in a given year.  I've found this a great tool in creating accountability and transparency in our local government and ensures that administration knows what they are expected to deliver.  Staff then take this direction and use it to build their business plans and prepare for the 2014 budget cycle.

Council's 3 Priorities
1 - Aquatic Centre Design Complete.  Project shovel ready with sufficient fundraising complete to support construction.  Translated, the Pool is our #1 priority and we are aiming to have construction started in 2015.

2 - Foster Economic Development.  This includes implementing the Downtown Action Plan and continuing our work on Centre Ave and the old Town Hall Site

3 - Development of Cochrane's Renewable Energy Framework.  With the Wind Turbine project becoming such an important item it's become clear that we need a tool to decide what having projects like Wind Turbines, solar panels, etc look like in Cochrane. The creation of this Framework will allow us to have that discussion and determine what the best fit is for Cochrane.

4.  2014 Strategic Plan

Council approved the 2014 Strategic Plan.  Again, this is a tool that we use to guide day-to-day administration and determines how our organization works.  A change that's being suggested, is that for the 2014 Council, strategic plans be moved from a yearly drafted plan to a multi-year plan.  This is a reasonable change and allows the 2014 council to set the tone for their term in office.  Council will still set priorities and of course can at any time set new direction, either through policy changes or in the budget.  In the 6 six years that I've served on Town Council, it's been impressive to see the changes we've made as an organization as we've moved from being a small town to essentially a small city.

5.  Community Grants

Every year the Town of Cochrane provide financial help to projects/events in Cochrane.  This year Council approved $25K for the Community Grants program and had 14 applications.  A change here is that the grants will only be give 1x a year to simply things.  Community grants were given to; Cochrane & Area Events Society, Lions Club Rodeo Committee, Seniors for Kids, Bow Valley Habitat Development, Spray Lakes Saw Mills, Nakoda Pickin' Party, All Saints Family Centre, Holy Spirit Parent Advisory Council, Cochrane Minor Soccer and the Boys & Girls Club.  This is always a great reminder of how diverse and amazing Cochrane really is.

6.  Major Facilities Fundraising Update

Suzanne Gaida, our Community Services Manager provided an update on the fundraising strategies for the Aquatic Centre, Curling Club and Arts Centre.  The strategy is to involve the community groups as fundraising champions.  The Town has hired a fundraising company to support the projects.  Campaign structures have been completed and volunteers make up the Steering Committee.  This group has also received some training in fundraising and donor asks are being coordinated.  With so many major projects being fundraised for, it's important that we approach our fundraising strategically.  Sponsorship programs are also being developed.  Overall, a lot of preparation has been done and it's expected that early 2014 is when the rubber will really hit the road.

7.  2013 Spring Surplus and Spring Budget Adjustments

Along with the change in seasons is the annual budget adjustments.  In 2012, Cochrane had a $600K surplus due to increased revenue.  Cochrane has a policy that states that general surplus funds be placed into facilities life cycling.  This is one of the tools that is going to allow us to implement our 10 year financial plan.  Following policy, council approved the transfer

Council also approved additional capital projects:
  • Centre Ave Development Work (Landscaping) - $1.4 Million - Funding from a municipal grant that will be repaid by the CRL in the future
  • Electronic Messaging Signs - $360K - Purchase of 2 electronic signs for community messaging
  • Horse Creek Road Surface - $100 K - A partnership with Rockyview County that will upgrade a portion of Horse Creek Road
  • Upgrade sidewalk/drainage at Quigley Dr & Highway 22 - $38K
  • Council Chambers - Mic Replacement - $55K - The microphones in Council chambers have officially been declared dead.  The entire audio/visual panel needs to be replaced.
  • Spray Lakes Sawmills - Ice Resurfacer - $57K - Spray Lakes needs a replacement and the project is $212K.  Under the partnership between Spray Lakes Society, Rockyview County and Cochrane we share the costs.  
8.  Property Tax Adjustment -

This is part of the Domtar site development.  Under the development agreement that made this remediation and development of the site possible, areas of the site that are not developed remain taxed as brownfield status.  This adjustment of $100K reflects that.  As the site become developed, these adjustment will decrease significantly.

9.  10 Year Financial Strategy

Council accepted the 10 Year Financial Strategy.  There have been a few changes from last years 10 Year Strategy, including basing growth at 4% instead of 4.5%, increase in funding for the Pool to $19.7K, increase of Town's maximum contribution to $7.4 million and $2.5 million committed to a future transit service.  These are laid out in the 10 year plan but actual budget numbers are approved every year by the Council of the day.


On a personal note, this upcoming weekend I'm off to the first Competetive Trail Ride of the season, so we'll see how out of shape my horse and I are after the long winter!



Councillor Tara McFadden
May 13, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 

Hi friends,

I'm a day behind in getting this out, but Monday nights meeting was a long one.

The Cochrane Trade Show was this weekend and it always marks spring for me.  I really enjoy connecting with everyone and it's a great way to find out what's going on in Cochrane.  Councillors Churchill,Toews, Watson and myself worked the council booth this year.  Everyone I spoke with was in a great mood with most of the conversation centering around the new pool; "when will it be build?" and the need for the bridge to be build across the river.  (The answers, 2015 for construction to start on the pool, provided funding is in place and the bridge for 2017)

May 13 -  Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.

Quick summary:  A handful of tax bylaws, election bylaw, water bylaw, defeat of the State Two Sunset Ridge Neighborhood Plan, adoption of the growth management plan and design guidelines.

1. Tax Bylaws

A number of bylaws were passed on the tax front.  These are essentially administrative bylaws that allow us to implement the budget, the CRL (the tax levy on the Domtar site for those developments, and supplementary tax.  These really just formalized what we've decided for the budget and CRL decisions.  For this year the entire tax increase of 6.2 percent is due to the increase in fire costs.  This actually equates to a service cut as Cochrane grew by 3% last year and we didn't increase funding to deal with the growth. The town website has a good overview on taxes at   http://www.cochrane.ca/taxes

These all passed 6-0 (Councillor Brooker was away)

2.  Water Utility Bylaw

This was item 5b and introduces an updated water bylaw.  This deals with the changing water technology and also introduces higher rates for bulk water purchasers.  For residential users, no real changes, but this allows Cochrane to manage water sales to industry who buy our water in bulk.  Good changes proposed here.

Passed first reading 6-0.

3.  Municipal Election bylaw

Item 5F.  Brought to council for decision, this dealt with the need for voter identification and what powers the Returning Officer has in reviewing those.  Past due.

Passed 6-0.

4.  Growth Management Strategy

This is a plan long in the making but necessary.  Looking 50 years out, we expect 65,000 people to live in Cochrane and this lays out how we manage that growth over the next 50 years.  This strategy look at how much land we need for that growth, what infrastructure (water, sewer, etc), what type of lands we need (commercial, residential, industrial) and what we need to do to reach Cochrane's community plans.  Having this in place helps us to make decisions in context of the bigger picture, as what seems obvious for tomorrow, may not be the best fit for the bigger picture.    Good planning will save us great expense tomorrow.

Adopted 6-0

5.  Cochrane Integrated Neighbourhood Design Guidelines

I really like this. It lays out what type of on the street/house design that Cochrane will have and this is what will help us keep that unique, small town feel that we all want and ensure that our community is somewhere we want to be and not feel like the anonymous suburbs of Calgary. These guideline will help us keep the natural feel of Cochrane by ensuring that development works with our natural landscape and doesn't ignore it.  These are really going to help us create the Cochrane that we want.

Adopted 6-0

6.  Stage Two Sunset Ridge Neighbourhood Plan

Once Sunset Ridge in finished there will be over 10,000 people living there and it effects a lot of land, so it's important to get this right.  Council had a lot of concerns with what was proposed, including the destruction of the existing wetlands, no provision for a dog park, and that the local shopping wasn't central.  Before I first ran for office, I was one of the public members that worked through the MDP (Municipal Development Plan) and there was a lot of public engagement in creating it.  In that Plan and in other public discussions, we've said that we want to preserve wetlands so it is important to me that we find a way to integrate our wetlands into our growth.  By a vote of 5-1, council sent this back to the drawing board.  Or rather, sent it back to address the concerns of council.  I expect we'll see this coming back before the end of summer with changes.

Defeated 5-1

And that was the night.


On a random note, I've been trying woman's rugby in town with the Bow Valley Rugby Club.  What good fun and it's just touch, so a good start for newbies like me.  If you're interested in trying it out, check out the facebook page here

And on a fun note, in my role with the Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation we're working with Mackay's Ice Cream to create a Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park ice cream.  You can vote on the flavour on the GRPF facebook page here

Thanks for staying connected! And please share these updates out.



Councillor Tara McFadden

April 22, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 

Hi friends,

It's been a busy time!

Strategic planning, volunteer appreciation and council.  All that since Friday.

Council spent Friday and Saturday working through the strategic plan for Cochrane for 2014.  It was a good review of the 10 year financial plan, forecasts of operational budgets and determining what projects are needed, what are wanted, and how we can make it happen in an affordable way for Cochrane.  Once the plan is adopted, staff can then begin making their plans and preparing for the 2014 budget.  The budget cycle never ends.

Saturday morning was also volunteer appreciation at the Cochrane Movie House.  This is always a great event to celebrate the amazing people that volunteer their time and efforts to our community.  It was great to see some of you there and for those I didn't get a chance to talk to, thank you for all the work you do.

April 22 Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.

Quick summary:  Cochrane FCSS & United Way Funding grants, municipal election bylaw, Rivers Edge Campground, audited Town financial statements, update on the new Riverfront park and info on the proposed regional transit system.

1. Cochrane FCSS & United Way Funding Recommendations for 2013

Every year Cochrane's FCSS and the United Way Partnership Committee provide community grants, that council approves.   $30K from the Cochrane FCSS and $75K from the United Way is available but there was over $156K in asks.  Both groups have their own parameters for approval.  Council approved the grants as recommended, so for the early news, check the agenda to see who got the grants.  I excused myself from this vote as I work with the Glenbow Ranch Park Foundation, who had applied for grant funding.  Check it out at item 4A on today's agenda

2.  Bow Rivers Edge Campground - Delegation

This was an update from one of our amazing community groups.  The Bow Rivers Edge Campground is run through a partnership with Cochrane Lions, Cochrane Rotary, Rockyview County and the Town of Cochrane.  From their annual revenues at the campground they provide grant funding to community groups.  This presentation was on their plans to expand the campground westward.  Staff will be working with them to ensure that the campground fits into our Open Space Master Plan.  Hats off to a great group.  Check out their website here

3.  Bylaw 11/2013 - Municipal Election Bylaw

We received this for first reading.  The province has recently changed the the provincial rules and now requires voters to prove residency when they vote.  There is some concern that not all could do this, particularly if they have a PO address and not a street address.  It's recommended, that the Returning Officer has the discretion to deal with these issues.  As it's a bylaw, it'll be advertised for 2 weeks and then come back to council for second and third reading.

4.  2012 Audited Financial Statements and Audit Findings

Under provincial regulations, the Town has to have our financial statements audited.  PriceWaterHouse Coopers was our auditors and they presented their annual audit and findings.  In the words of the auditors, "we're in good shape".  The agenda has a good review and update of our financials and Cochrane is in a really solid place financially which gives us many options.  It's also kudo's to our staff for years of sound financial management.

5.  Riverfront Park

This was a verbal update from Ground3, the consultant that is working on the upgrades to Millennium Park.  The plan will be shared with the public for feedback and there will be some work done on the Park this summer.  The upgrades can't be completed due to the timing required for provincial approvals, etc for the riparian areas.  Watch for it - this is a great project that needs your input.

6.  CRP Regional Transit Brand

The Calgary Regional Partnership is working on regional transit and this was an introduction on their brand.... "On-it" will be the name of regional transit system.


I have a Rockyview Foundation meeting on Wednesday night and next week the spring meeting with the community associations, so I'll be able to share updates from there.

Thanks again for everyone who is able to volunteer in Cochrane this year.  As much as we love the landscape of Cochrane, it really is the people that make Cochrane an amazing place.

And that's a wrap.  Don't forget to share this update and follow me on twitter!

Have a great week!


Councillor Tara McFadden

April 8, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 

Hi friends,

This weeks big news didn't happen in council.

As most everyone has heard Mayor Truper has announced that he's not going to seek re-election.  I wasn't overly surprised as he always said just 2 terms.  And I'm not going to go into a political eulogy of Truper McBride.  He's still Mayor for 6 more months and I don't think this will be the last time we'll see him in public service.  But he's sure accomplished a lot in this part of his political career and I've learned a lot from him.

Council tonight was simple but significant.  And while the tax rate won't be set until May, tonight's meeting only confirmed that like the rest of the region, taxes in Cochrane are going up and there's not much that local municipal governments can do about it.

April 8 Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.

Quick summary:  Fire Education initiative, some useful changes to the election procedures and the appointment of the Returning Officer and the big one, the update on the property tax information.  Fire service costs and education taxes are what's raising Cochrane's tax rate.  The costs for fire service this year is going up 30% and the education tax is going up just over 8%.  Without those, your tax increase would have been 0%

We also went In Camera on a few items to get some updates.

1. Regional Fire Safety Education Coalition

Cochrane joins Rocky View County, Airdrie and Chestermere in a fire safety education initiative that is funded by Conoco Phillips.  This was initiated by Officers Barnett and Rabel.  Hat's off.

2.  2013 Local General Election Procedures & Appointment of Returning Officer

The provincial gov't has recently amended the Local Authorities Election Act.  The big change is moving municipal terms from 3 years to 4 years.   A good move.  Another good move is that you're now required to show ID when you vote in municipal elections.  Way past due.  I can't believe we ran elections for this long without having to prove residency.  A few of us tried to change this last term but lost, but now it's been fixed at the provincial level.

A few decisions here.  Our Legislative Mgr was appointed as the Returning Officer, we're continuing to hold Joint Elections with the Rocky View School Division and then we made the change that requires voters to prove their eligibility and that we continue to use a voting registry.  There was an option of create an electors list but it would be costly to do so.  At this point, only Calgary is moving in this direction.

3.  Property Tax Information - (The Big One)

The final tax rates will be set in May and council only received this for information, but this is pretty much what we're going to see next month.  Tax rates are going up around the region, including Cochrane, and a significant portion of that is beyond the municipalities control.  This is due to the education increases set by the provincial government and the impact of the negotiations with the Fire Union.

To help make things clear we're changing the way tax bills are going to be laid out.  What you will see on your Tax bill:

Municipal Tax Levy
Tax Amount without the fire service portion of your bill - This is what council can set- annual costs to run the town and provide the expected services
Tax Amount of the fire service - The amount on the 2013 bill is what council has proposed as an offer to the Fire Union.  Once the arbitration process is done, we'll know what this will be moving forward (Arbitration date is set for Sept)

Provincial Education Tax Levy
Tax amount that the province says we have to collect for education - Town Council has no say

Other Tax Levy
RockyView Foundation - This is the regional affordable seniors housing, ie - Big Hill Lodge.  I sit on the board and it holds the line on spending.

Local Improvement Levy
Some areas may have this

So what is the tax hit?  The average single family dwelling assessed at $431,000 will see:

Municipal Portion
tax increase in the Fire Tax Levy.  In 2012 this would have been $410, for 2013 it goes up $123.50 to $534.44
0% tax increase in the Municipal Tax Levy (without Fire).  Council set the tax levy to $1,580.19 - the same as 2012
= 6.20% tax increase


Education Taxes
= 8.17%
An increase of $84.33 to $1,116.29 from $1,031.96

Tax for the average single family home worth $431,000 will then be @ $3,245.43

+ $17.24 for the Rockyview Foundation and some areas may have a local improvement levy.

Also part of this update was the news that Cochrane's assessment growth was less than forecasted.  Actual assessment growth was 3% when we expected 4.5%.  Administration recommended some budget adjustments to reduce some costs and increase some revenue projections.  Nothing major here as planning revenues are already trending higher.

The Decisions on this were
  • accept the report for info.
  • to set the Municipal Fire Tax Rates to fund the 2013 net costs of Fire Services ($4,611,648) that was approved in the budget
  • to revise the 2013 budget excluding fire to reduce operating costs by $40K and increase operating revenues by $150K to cover the shortfall in estimated assessment growth


We expect there is going to be lots of questions when folks get their taxes this year so we're getting communications ready to help.

In the meantime, send me an e-mail if you have any questions.



wow.  I've just re-read this and I've got the flu, but this is depressing.

Good news to celebrate though!  The Kimmett Foundation scored again with a $12,532 Fed Gov't grant for Mitford Park Upgrades!  You are amazing community builders!  Thank you!

Councillor Tara McFadden



March 25, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 


Tara's Council Updates

Everything starts somewhere, although many physicists disagree.
Terry Pratchett 

Contact me:
Phone: 403-519-9619
E-mail: tara.mcfadden@cochrane.ca
Twitter:  @McFaddenTara

Tara's Council Updates

Hi friends,

Well, Monday's council meeting was interesting and so I'll warn you, the update is on the long side!

March 25 - Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.

Quick summary:  Cochrane FCC celebrates it's 25th anniversary, Cochrane Environmental Committee shared it's work plan for the year, home based minor businesses no longer need a development permit, big dialogue on transit and a decision to take the next step by reviewing the Green Trip funding, decision to demolish the old Shell station and initiated a renewable energy framework policy discussion....  translated we're going to come up with the rules on how items like wind turbines may be used in Cochrane.

1. 25th Anniversary of Cochrane Family & Community Support Services (FCSS)

Cochrane FCSS celebrates 25 years in Cochrane.  They brought in the FCSS flag accompanied by the bagpipes and we've placed the FCSS flag in council chambers.  The FCSS team under the amazing leadership of Susan Flowers has accomplished so many great things with recent successes like the Homestead, Home Reno Heavan and the community kitchen.  You can celebrate with them at a number of event this spring/summer.
March 27 - Interagency Social - 3-5 @ the RanchHouse  (wine and cheese :))
June 27 - Open House @ FCSS - 3-7
July 1 - celebration with Rec and Culture on Canada DAy

2.  Cochrane Environmental Committee 2013 Work Plan

This council committee provides advice to council on environmental issues.  They're going to be assisting and supporting the Wetlands Policy and Zero Waste Framework Policy.  Both are some key successes for Cochrane in how we can preserve our environment and reduce our waste.  This committee is led by Miles Chester.

3.  Bylaw 08/23 - Amendment to Land Use Bylaw - to remove the development permit requirement for home-based business, minor.

Council actually started off with the public hearing on this but there were no comments.  Staff reported that the feedback was minimal but what we had was positive. This was passed and means that minor, home based businesses no longer need development permits.  Save them money and time and frees up planning staff for other projects.  Home-based minor are businesses that don't have visitors, home-based major (if you have visitors, etc) still need permits!

4.  Transit Alternatives Analysis

This was the big discussion of the night.  Close to 2 hours I think.  This wasn't a yes/no on transit but a decision on wether to proceed to the next step.

In this case, to take Transit Option 2 (dial a bus, coverage over the majority of Cochrane and a tax impact of less than $40/year per household - full info call be seen on the Agenda) and see if we could still get the Green Trip funding to cover the capital costs.  Key items like shuttle buses and bus stops.

The motion that we started with was, "That council receives the Transit Alternatives Analysis Report for information, to be used to inform further decisions regarding the implementation of transit; and endorses the strategy outlined in the report as a manageable first step for transit in Cochrane" and that "Council directs administration to prepare and submit a Transit Implementation Plan to the Alberta Transportation Green TRIP Incentives program to confirm capital funding approval."

This was amended to make it clear we were talking about option 2. (Dial a bus, more routes, @<$40/household tax cost)

All this is, is an opportunity to get more information.  To see if the grant funding is available for a transit solution like this and then give us time to develop and answer more questions as we take steps closer to making the decision.  This is really a no risk, no impact decision, it just gets us new information.

And for

March 11, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 

Tara's Council Updates

"Live at home" - George Washington Carver

Contact me:
Phone: 403-519-9619
E-mail: tara.mcfadden@cochrane.ca
Twitter:  @McFaddenTara

Tara's Council Updates

Hi friends,

It's exciting times in Cochrane; provincial budget, fire union negotiations and amazing growth, but there is one issue I'd like to have everyone get involved in.

Transit is back on the table and last week the public open house showcased 3 great options for transit.  All of them allow us to bring transit to Cochrane in a small, reasonable and affordable first step.  For less than $40/household there are 3 options on the table.  Dial-a-bus, 30 minute service for 3 core routes; dial-a-bus, 60 minute service that extends into most areas of Cochrane; or a commuter loop that goes to Calgary. My pick,yes to transit, it's a necessary part of the community we want to be and it helps us socially and economically and that option 2, serves the greatest need. The public open house last week was well attended but you can see the options and give feedback online.

Deadline is this Friday - so do it by Thursday!  Check it out here

Feb 25 - Council Meeting - View the Agenda

Next council meeting - March 25, 6 PM

Quick summary: Small density change in housing in Fireside, saving home based businesses money, simplifying the community grants from the Town, economic development plan, appointments to the Subdivision Appeal Board, and then a notice of motion from the Mayor.

1. Bylaw 05/2013 - Amendment to Land use for the Fireside Development

This one was mentioned before.  This allows the developer to increase the density from 46 single homes to 51 single and semi-detached.  Which is good for adding the mix of housing and affordability we need.  The public hearing on this didn't have any comments against except in regards to how this development will relate to the farmlands on the other side of fence and wether there was enough room for parking.  The discussion on how this development fits with the farmland is a broader discussion with the County of Rockyview that is being worked on and not part of this discussion, but council did hear the public concerns.  This was passed 5 - 2, with the opposing councillors concerned about on-street parking and allowing more homes to back onto the farmlands.  I supported this one as it fits with what we're wanting to do, reduce costs, limit urban sprawl and this change was extremely minimal.

2.  Bylaw 08/2013 - Removal of development permit requirements for home-based business, minor

This is simple way to help local businesses.  This passed 7-0.  Small home based businesses that don't have client visits, etc, no longer need a development permit.  This saves them $125 and town staff is able to direct their energies to more pressing projects.

3.  Policy 1201-03 Civic Partnerships, Community Grants and Arts & Culture Endowment Fund

This policy pulls our community grants under one umbrella.  Keeping things simpler.  Passed 7-0.  Grant areas are:
Civic Partnerships - Annual Operating Grants - available to not-for-profits who offer a day-to-day service to the town.  This is groups like the Humane Society or Victim Services.  Council will make the decision on funding
Civic Partnerships - Other Partnerships - This is for the unique relationships, like the Spray Lakes Rec Society, Boys & Girls Club, Lions & Cochrane Society for Housing Options.  These relationships are dealt with one by one.
Community Grants - Funding is decided through the annual budget and we'll move to just one application deadline - May 1st, instead of 2.
Arts & Culture Endowment Fund - An endowment fund has been created by a developer levy and the interest is building up to be spent on Arts & Culture projects - ie community sculpture, etc.  There should be enough built up by 2014 to do something with.

4.  Strategic Plan Approval

7-0 Approval of the strategic plan.  This the guiding plan for the year but nothing earth shattering.

5.  Economic Development Strategy Report- to Council 

Our economic development team brought forward the report.  It's not online just yet but an interesting read.  Glad to see we finally have this.  This is a strategy on how we will help existing businesses and draw new businesses to town.  Businesses that fit Cochrane's needs like IT firms, post-secondary schools, engineering firms, etc.  In order to afford new pools, pathways, etc, and keep our taxes affordable, we need to have a healthy business economy in town.  Passed 7-0

6. Subdivision Development Appeal Board - Public at Large Appointments

This board is made up of mostly public, but 2 councilors, and makes decisions on appeals to development decisions.  Council appointed one person to the board and one spare.

7. Human Resources - In Camera

Council went in-camera - which is behind doors - to get an update on an HR issue.  Under the provincial gov't rules, council can go in-camera to discuss "land,legal and labour".

8.  Notice of Motion - Mayor McBride

Mayor McBride gave notice that he's putting forward a motion for a "Renewable Energy Framework".  We'll find out what the details are for the next council meeting but I understand this is about deciding what encouraging green energies looks like in Cochrane.  ie, what we want wind turbines to be like in Cochrane or solar panels, etc.  A discussion we need to have as not only do we have the Wind Turbine discussion going on but I expect we're going to have residents wanting solar panels at some point to.

It's been busy!

Send me an e-mail if you have any questions.



Councillor Tara McFadden


Feb 25, 2013

Tara's Council Updates

“Good communications is telling people what they need to hear, not what they want to hear." unknown

Contact me:
Phone: 403-519-9619
E-mail: tara.mcfadden@cochrane.ca
Twitter:  @McFaddenTara

Tara's Council Updates

Hi friends,

One of the committees that I work with as Councilor is the Rocky View Foundation.  The Rocky View Foundation is a regional provider of affordable seniors housing and each of the participating municipalities have representatives on the board.  The Foundation provides seniors housing at the Big Hill Lodge here in Cochrane as well as the Rockyview Lodge in Crossfield and 3 manors.  This is the 2nd year that I've sat on this board and I have to say it's one of the best run organizations I've worked with.  At our last meeting we passed the 2013 Budget and I wanted to share some of the highlights.    You'll see the Rocky View Foundation requisition on your tax notice.

Rocky View Foundation - Budget 2013 Highlights
  • No increase in rents at lodges and in Diamond Jubilee Suites
  • Reduced employee hours in administration
  • Several maintenance items to be undertaken at Big Hill Lodge
  • Improved menus and food service
  • No increase to the municipal requisition
You can find more information on the Rockyview Foundation on their website.  If anyone is looking for seniors housing the Big Hill Lodge currently has 2 and the newly built Rocky View Lodge in Crossfield has 4.

Feb 25 - Council Meeting - View the Agenda

Next council meeting - March 11, 6 PM

Quick summary: Animal bylaw changed, road closure, appointments of youth to the Mayor's youth council, update on the strategic plan and an update on the provinces work on updating the Municipal Government Act (MGA)

1. Bylaw 16/2012 Animal

So this was an update to the Animal Bylaw.  The big change was cat licensing.  I was impressed by the amount of public engagement and communication that went into this one and the bylaw was changed.  So now, cats have to be licensed.  The good news, if you license your cat before May 31st, there is no charge.  Other changes including adding tools to deal with vicious animals and an increase to fees.  Fees were reviewed against neighboring municipalities.  All in all the changes were straight forward and this passed.

2.  Bylaw 07/2013 - Road Closure, River Heights Drive

So this was first reading on a road closure.  The essence of this one is that width of the road in the discussed area is wider then necessary.  Currently 30 m and planning says we only need 27 m.  The amount of land is minimal 0.11 hectares.  This will come back to council for decision later.

3.  Public at Large Appointments - Mayor's Youth Council

Very pleased with this.  Council appointed 3 youth to the Mayor's Youth Council.  This was created due to recommendations from the Youth Engagement Task Force that I worked on and will provide advice to council from the youth perspective.

4.  Quarterly Strategic Plan Update 

This is an update on progress towards meeting the directions set by council for this year.  Things are moving ahead well.  It's a long update and I'll share a few updates on key projects.

Quarry Development - Centre Ave Construction
 - Deep infrastructure complete and shallow utilities and landscaping should be done for Dec 2013
 - CP rail crossing scheduled to be done spring/summer 2013

Creation of Multimodal Master Transportation Plan
- Planning to begin this spring

Zero Waste Framework
- Public consultation will run this year

Downtown Action Plan
- Public engagement ongoing

New RCMP Station -
- location to be determined this summer and design will follow

East End Streets Improvement
- project scope and underground infrastructure evaluations are complete
- Open House scheduled for April 17
- construction to start in May

East End Pathway -
- the construction for the final connections between the East End and the trail system leading to Spray Lakes rec centre should be done this summer!  (this was a project I championed 6 years ago, so excited to see it done!)

I hope these updates help and if there are any questions, please let me know.



Councillor Tara McFadden


Feb 11, 2013

Tara's Council Updates 

Tara's Council Updates

“Do what you feel in your heart to be right – for you’ll be criticized anyway.” 
― Eleanor Roosevelt

Contact me:
Phone: 403-519-9619
E-mail: tara.mcfadden@cochrane.ca
Twitter:  @McFaddenTara

Tara's Council Updates

Hi friends,

The big topic of late has been the provincial budget, the "bitumen bubble" and the provincial governments economic plans.  Much guess work has been going on about what the government is going to do, everything from a 10% cut in spending to increasing our taxes, but we won't find out until budget day.  Whatever the answer though, I expect it's only going be a bad situation for municipalities.  My guess is that we'll see cuts across the board and a major cut to what is given to the municipalities.  If so, Cochrane's ability to deliver on projects like the new pool, curling rink, police stations and playing fields is going to be severely hampered.  Hopefully I'm wrong.  We'll find out with the provincial budget.

Back to Cochrane and some good news.

Feb 12, 4-7 PM - Economic Development Strategy Open House  - Tonight!
Here's a chance to review and give your feedback on Cochrane's plan for economic growth.  A healthy local economy and more businesses are key to Cochrane's ability to provide the services we want at an affordable tax rate.

Feb 21, 6-8 PM - Home Based Business, Change to Development Requirements - Open House
We have a lot of home based businesses in Cochrane and these changes are intended to reduce costs and make it easier.  If you're a home based business, this is a great way to feed in on positive changes.

Tara's Council Notes

Feb 11 - Council Meeting/Public Hearing - View the Agenda

Next council meeting - Feb 25, 6 PM

Quick summary, some good news, a public hearing and an update from the assessor.

1.Public Hearing - Bylaw 05/2013

This public hearing was a chance for the public to speak to proposed changes in Fireside.  The developer is asking to re-designate part of the development from R1 to R2.  Small changes but we did have two comments from the public.  The comments weren't on the density changes but on the need for proper fencing between this neighborhood and the farmland beyond.  All the comments will be taken into consideration when Council votes on these changes at a future council meeting.

2.  Then some good news -
Council chambers was filled by the local Girl Guides and Cochrane First Scouting group as Council proclaimed Feb 17 - 24, 2013 - Guide/Scout Week in Cochrane.  It was great to see so many show up to celebrate guide/scout with Council.  Fun fact - the Calgary area is celebrating its 100th year of guiding.

Council then received a presentation from the Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre announcing the One Rock 2013 and World Youth Day celebrations.  For the last 3 years the One Rock Music Festival has been staged in Rockyford, AB.  The festival is now making Cochrane it's home and will be taking place July 26-28th.  The Festival is going to be bringing 1400 + youth to Cochrane to celebrate.  Pretty amazing.  Good luck to the organizers!

3.  Council also passed the supplementary assessment bylaw.  This is standard and done every year.

4.  Council then approved the Terms of Reference for the joint planning of the Agriculture Society grounds.  This is a interesting relationship - and a positive one.  The Ag Society grounds are owned by the County of Rockyview, under the Town of Cochrane's planning jurisdiction and run by the Ag. Society.  With the number of players involved, for any future changes, we had to lay out a strategy for how that can happen.  This joint planning is really exciting as the Ag. Society and the Ag. grounds are a real jewel in our community.  Public feedback will be sought through a public engagement process - still to be announced - but the goal is to have a plan brought to Council for adoption by this summer.

5.  We then received the 2013 Preliminary Assessment Shifts report.  Assessment is a science unto itself.  Everyone should have received their assessment in the mail by now.  If you have questions or would like to appeal - an Assessment Open House is going to be held on Thursday - March 7, 4 - 8 PM.  If you're assessment has increased or decreased by more than 10% from last year, and you haven't done major upgrades, you should touch base with the assessor.

Of note on the assessments - Cochrane's assessment rate was lower than expected so we'll have to evaluate the impact that has on our municipal budget.

I hope these updates help and if there are any questions, please let me know.



Councillor Tara McFadden

Jan 28, 2013

Tara's Council Updates

"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."- Erik Nupponen

Contact me:
Phone: 403-519-9619
E-mail: tara.mcfadden@cohrane.ca
Twitter:  @McFaddenTara

Tara's Council Updates

Quote of the day - "Be sincere; be brief; be seated." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Welcome to my 2nd Council Update.

I had great response to my first e-mail and I look forward to sharing more information with this newsletter.   Already we've created great dialogue and I've responded to a few questions that I've received as a result. If you have questions, please send them on and I'll get back to you.
If you're finding this valuable, please share it with friends.

Don't forget to license your dog by Jan 31st!

You can also connect with me on Twitter



Council Highlight

The highlight for this week was without a doubt the Mock Council.  This is the 2nd time we've held this event and I'm proud to have had a part in making it happen. We had 2 grade 6 classes from Manachaban School attend council.  They elected their own Mayor and Council, sat in the council chairs, and debated issues brought to them by their classmates. There were 2 great debates on providing funding for trees in Cochrane and the future of allowing Big Box stores into Cochrane.  And while they were mock debates - supported by those of us from council who could attend - the arguments were great and I think we all learned a lot.  After the mock council the students toured the Town Office and met with our staff.  Maybe we've inspired some future town planners, administrators and politicians!

A photo of Councillor Hannah Engdah, Mayor Truper, and myself.

Here's a photo of some flowers given to me by two of the students.  Thank you and I'm sorry I didn't get your names.  I'll be keeping this on my desk for the rest of the term!

Tara's Council Notes

Jan 28 - Council Meeting - View the Agenda

Next council meeting - Feb 11, 6 PM

It was a short council meeting with some very good news.

1. Cam Cote and Dean Lang represented the Cochrane Turf Association and presented a cheque for $925,000  to the Town of Cochrane.  This is close to half of the funds that group needs to build the $2 million outdoor turf field at Bow Valley School.  It's a great community success story.  The Cochrane Minor Soccer, Cochrane Community Football, Cochrane Rangers Adult Soccer and Bow Valley Rugby groups are working together to raise funds for the joint project.  Of the $925K presented, $250K was from Rocky View County, $600 K from the you (Town of Cochrane) and the groups have raised $75 K.  They're looking to raise the remaining 1 millions this year and hope to begin some construction sooner.  The land itself has been made available by the Rockyview School Division.  Projects like this, where the community pulls together are easy to support.

2.  The public hearing for the rezoning of Heartland Way in the Heartland development was at 6 PM - Bylaw 01/2013.  As described prior, this was simply rectifying an error to ensure that the planning documents reflected what was being built and planned for.  As this wasn't an issue, no one attended to speak for or against.  Council approved the rezoning with 2nd and 3rd reading.

3.  Council then received First Reading on the Fireside Re-designation - Bylaw 05/2013.  The developer is looking to re-designate a small amount of land in Fireside from R1 to R2.  This will give the developer more flexibility in the build out, allowing for a mix of single residential and semi-detached.  The benefit of this is it allows for a range of housing which is important as we try to have more affordable housing available.  The amount changed was minimal and had no effect on how the rest of the development is dealt with.  The Cochrane Planning Commission (CPC) - which is made up of 5 public members and 2 councilors - had some questions in regards to the fencing between the development, pathway connectivity and street parking due to the increase in density.  Our planners outlined their response.  Fencing will be dealt with at the sub-division stage - so the CPC will be able to ensure they're happy with the solution when they make the decision on subdivision.  Pathway connectivity the same, although it was noting that the regional pathway in this area needs to be 3m wide.  The parking question is a good one, but as all the homes are required to have parking off street, it shouldn't't be a problem.  At this point, Council received the information and the public hearing will be 6 PM on Feb 11th, if anyone wanted to come and share concerns or ask questions.

Other Notes:

1.  I received a question in regards to the new Stonecreek Apts in regards to number of new homes on traffic the area.  The planning dept. is going to get back with a detailed answer but the developer would have been asked to do a traffic impact assessment and would have been asked to make changes if necessary.  So at this point, while it will be busier, the intersection will be able to handle it.

2.  Residents of Sunset Ridge have questions and concerns about the placement of a future regional pathway.  I can understand their concerns and it's so important to get these decisions made right, especially as pathway connections and improvements are so hard to add into a community once their build.  The Planning Dept. is arranging an information session for the residents along Sunset View and will connect when they have a meeting set.  The developer for the area is also going to be holding an Open House soon for the Neighborhood Plan - no date yet, but that will be the best opportunity to have feed into the future of that neighborhood.

3. Development update - this is some of the highlights - 
  • On the Quarry site, I think everyone is aware that the new Sobey's is under construction.  There is also a restaurant and liquor store under construction on the same site.
  • On the Quarry site, south of the Sobey's a row of small stores has also been approved.  At this point, what they are, I don't know.  It's great to see this site taking off so well.
  • A number of new Townhouse developments have been approved throughout Cochrane.  This includes 2 in Fireside, 1 in Riverstone and 1 in Sunset Ridge.  The more mix of housing we have, the more homes we have available in all price ranges and needs.

I hope this update helps and if there are any questions, please let me know.

Have a great week!


Councillor Tara McFadden

Jan 17, 2013   - Council Update

Tara's Council Updates

"To solve the problems of today, we must focus on tomorrow."- Erik Nupponen

Contact me:
Phone: 403-519-9619
E-mail: tara.mcfadden@cohrane.ca
Twitter:  @McFaddenTara

Tara's Council Updates


I've created this e-newsletter as another way of connecting with you and sharing updates from Council.  These are meant to highlight what's happening and share my thoughts.  I won't be able to cover everything so feel free to contact me if you have any thoughts or questions.



Jan 14 - Council Meeting - View the Agenda

Next council meeting - Jan 28, 6 PM

Tara's Council Notes -

1.  RCMP S. Sgt Waidson is introduced as our new Staff Sergeant.  The S. Sgt is a 25 year veteran and long time resident of Cochrane.

2.  Alberta Health Service provided an update on the Urgent Care Centre.   The Centre is heavily used.  Interesting note - the Centre employs 120 staff with nearly 90% of those living in Cochrane and area.

3.  Rezoning of Heartland Way in the Heartland development.  This process is intended to fix an error.  The area in question had been mistakenly zoned and this process is correcting the planning documents to reflect the plans and the reality of the R1 that is being build.  Public Hearing will be Jan 28th - 6 PM.  Most likely Council will vote on 2nd and 3rd reading at that time.

4.  Request to proceed with whistle cessation.  This is part of the Centre Ave extension and part of the long process with CP rail to get this done and to ensure we don't have train whistles being blown downtown.

5.  Public at Large Appointments - Council reviewed applications and recommendations from the committee.  Appointees will be contacted.

6.  Mayor McBride's Update - Announced a Calgary Regional Partnership (CRP) economic development initiative; a website with economic development info:  www.explorecalgaryregion.ca   Councilor Joanne Churchill has been key in this area.

7.  Strategic Planning Update - Wetland & Riparian Policy Update.  This has been a long time coming but we're finally getting our policy in place.  This update to council gave an overview of the scope of the policy and timelines.  In January there will be key stakeholder interviews and in February there will be a Public Open House on the policy with a goal to gave a finished draft for Council to debate in the spring.

Other Notes:

1.  Lights at James Walker Trail - a number of complaints of the signals.  As the lights and highway are the responsibility of Alberta Transportation, administration contacted them, it's expected that AB Transportation is looking at it right away.

2.  Fire Arbitration - Town of Cochrane/Cochrane Fire Fighters Association Interest Arbitration date has been set for Sept 9, 10, 11, 2013.  The arbitrators decision on the contract with the Association will be binding.  As arbitrators decision could be weeks or months, we might not know the impact of the decision until 2014.

3.  Curling & Aquatic Centre - Update -  The fundraising projects are on track with fundraising committees being struck.  The fundraising committees will be trained and fundraising activities coordinated.  Schematic design for the curling rink and pool are being updated with the location of the curling rink moving next to the pool location at Spray Lakes.  This will allow us to get an update on the potential construction cost in time for the fundraising to begin.  The Town will be formally contacting Rockyview County for funding for these projects and administration is connecting with provincial and federal governments on the need for funding.

4.  Arts Centre - Update - The Arts Centre building committee is working with the IDAP committee to finalize the location of the Arts Centre within the former Domtar site.  The Arts Centre is a bit further behind in fundraising compared to the other facilities.  A fundraising committee hasn't been formed yet but once a site has been finalized we can move to that step.  A draft fundraisng case has been prepared by our fundraising consultant with the idea that once everything is ready, fundraising can hit the ground running.   The Arts Centre will be included in the funding conversations with other levels of government.

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