Tara's Council Updates
Hi friends,
May has been a busy month for me, under one hat or another, but I'm so glad summer is finally upon us! Community Awards were on Sunday and sadly I had to miss the event, but hats off to all the nominees and winners.
May 27 - Council Meeting - View the Agenda of the council meeting.
Quick summary: A few proclamations, first reading of land use re-designation for River Heights, fundraising update on the pool, community grant designs, surplus adjustments and acceptance of our 10 Year strategy and announcement of council's priorities for 2014.
1. Proclamations
Council proclaimed June 1 to be Intergenerational Day in Cochrane and Seniors Week to be June 3 - 9. In honour of Seniors week there are a number of activities going on in Cochrane including; Grand Ave's Pancake Breakfast on June 3, a cooking class with Thai Onzon on Tuesday and the Seniors Tea on Wed Jun 5 and wrapping up a pub night on June 7th.
These all passed 6-0 (Councillor Brooker was away)
2. Bylaw 13/2013 - Redesignation of Land Use in the Willows of River Heights
The developer has applied to change land use from urban reserve to varies type of land use that would allow for a mix of housing in the area, including single housing, semi-detached and town homes. A small piece is assigned as municipal reserve that will be added to the school site. All of this falls within the approved development plans for the area and is the 2nd phase for the Willows of River HIghts. This development is being designed to have an attractive streetscape and to be pedestrian friendly, key elements of the type of development we're striving for.
Public hearing is set for June 10 for public feedback and the information on this can be found in the agenda.
3. Council 2014 Priorities
We created this system a few years ago as a way for Council to give clear direction to administration as to what Council priorities are in a given year. I've found this a great tool in creating accountability and transparency in our local government and ensures that administration knows what they are expected to deliver. Staff then take this direction and use it to build their business plans and prepare for the 2014 budget cycle.
Council's 3 Priorities
1 - Aquatic Centre Design Complete. Project shovel ready with sufficient fundraising complete to support construction. Translated, the Pool is our #1 priority and we are aiming to have construction started in 2015.
2 - Foster Economic Development. This includes implementing the Downtown Action Plan and continuing our work on Centre Ave and the old Town Hall Site
3 - Development of Cochrane's Renewable Energy Framework. With the Wind Turbine project becoming such an important item it's become clear that we need a tool to decide what having projects like Wind Turbines, solar panels, etc look like in Cochrane. The creation of this Framework will allow us to have that discussion and determine what the best fit is for Cochrane.
4. 2014 Strategic Plan
Council approved the 2014 Strategic Plan. Again, this is a tool that we use to guide day-to-day administration and determines how our organization works. A change that's being suggested, is that for the 2014 Council, strategic plans be moved from a yearly drafted plan to a multi-year plan. This is a reasonable change and allows the 2014 council to set the tone for their term in office. Council will still set priorities and of course can at any time set new direction, either through policy changes or in the budget. In the 6 six years that I've served on Town Council, it's been impressive to see the changes we've made as an organization as we've moved from being a small town to essentially a small city.
5. Community Grants
Every year the Town of Cochrane provide financial help to projects/events in Cochrane. This year Council approved $25K for the Community Grants program and had 14 applications. A change here is that the grants will only be give 1x a year to simply things. Community grants were given to; Cochrane & Area Events Society, Lions Club Rodeo Committee, Seniors for Kids, Bow Valley Habitat Development, Spray Lakes Saw Mills, Nakoda Pickin' Party, All Saints Family Centre, Holy Spirit Parent Advisory Council, Cochrane Minor Soccer and the Boys & Girls Club. This is always a great reminder of how diverse and amazing Cochrane really is.
6. Major Facilities Fundraising Update
Suzanne Gaida, our Community Services Manager provided an update on the fundraising strategies for the Aquatic Centre, Curling Club and Arts Centre. The strategy is to involve the community groups as fundraising champions. The Town has hired a fundraising company to support the projects. Campaign structures have been completed and volunteers make up the Steering Committee. This group has also received some training in fundraising and donor asks are being coordinated. With so many major projects being fundraised for, it's important that we approach our fundraising strategically. Sponsorship programs are also being developed. Overall, a lot of preparation has been done and it's expected that early 2014 is when the rubber will really hit the road.
7. 2013 Spring Surplus and Spring Budget Adjustments
Along with the change in seasons is the annual budget adjustments. In 2012, Cochrane had a $600K surplus due to increased revenue. Cochrane has a policy that states that general surplus funds be placed into facilities life cycling. This is one of the tools that is going to allow us to implement our 10 year financial plan. Following policy, council approved the transfer
Council also approved additional capital projects:
- Centre Ave Development Work (Landscaping) - $1.4 Million - Funding from a municipal grant that will be repaid by the CRL in the future
- Electronic Messaging Signs - $360K - Purchase of 2 electronic signs for community messaging
- Horse Creek Road Surface - $100 K - A partnership with Rockyview County that will upgrade a portion of Horse Creek Road
- Upgrade sidewalk/drainage at Quigley Dr & Highway 22 - $38K
- Council Chambers - Mic Replacement - $55K - The microphones in Council chambers have officially been declared dead. The entire audio/visual panel needs to be replaced.
- Spray Lakes Sawmills - Ice Resurfacer - $57K - Spray Lakes needs a replacement and the project is $212K. Under the partnership between Spray Lakes Society, Rockyview County and Cochrane we share the costs.
8. Property Tax Adjustment -
This is part of the Domtar site development. Under the development agreement that made this remediation and development of the site possible, areas of the site that are not developed remain taxed as brownfield status. This adjustment of $100K reflects that. As the site become developed, these adjustment will decrease significantly.
9. 10 Year Financial Strategy
Council accepted the 10 Year Financial Strategy. There have been a few changes from last years 10 Year Strategy, including basing growth at 4% instead of 4.5%, increase in funding for the Pool to $19.7K, increase of Town's maximum contribution to $7.4 million and $2.5 million committed to a future transit service. These are laid out in the 10 year plan but actual budget numbers are approved every year by the Council of the day.
On a personal note, this upcoming weekend I'm off to the first Competetive Trail Ride of the season, so we'll see how out of shape my horse and I are after the long winter!
Councillor Tara McFadden
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